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Villas Solaris

Villas Solaris

Saint-Memmie | 784 m² | €1,213,000 of VAT | year of design 2012
Natalina da Costa, Frédéric Hérard | Bourgogne Structure | Seti | Paysagistes d'Europe | DP Construction | AUER | AFM Leroy | Davulian | CRM Elec | Meuse Paysage | Philippe Ruault

Discovering the land was a pleasant surprise, we found ourselves surrounded by vegetation, almost forgetting that we are landlocked in a densely urbanized site located one kilometer from Châlons-en-Champagne. We hope that the project preserves this 'spirit of the place', that we keep the astonishing impression of entering a 'green oasis'.


To minimize the impact of construction on the site, we opt to partially embed the houses in the slope. We seek to keep as much planted surface area as possible (including the roof).


From the upper part of the land, the buildings are "camouflaged", we see a succession of planted plateaus. Each accommodation benefits from a double orientation. We favor the living room and the bedrooms with large openings facing south-east. The 'servant' spaces (bathroom, kitchen, pantry) are exposed north-west and have more restricted openings to avoid heat loss and preserve privacy.

plan de masse
coupe longitudinale
Longitudinal section
Ground plan
Passage vers l'entrée
Vue depuis le jardin
Du salon vers le jardin
Vue de la pente
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