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Maison Nino

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Gyé-sur-Seine | 385 m² | year of design 2008
Natalina da Costa, Frédéric Hérard | Bourgogne Structure | AFCM | Fabrice Déchaud | Leroy | Davulian | Philippe Ruault

Located along a path used by tractors and surrounded by agricultural sheds, the land did not offer attractive views. On the other hand, the clients wanted a living space protected from outside views. Thus the solution was to build a house along the entire length of the plot - 54 meters. The project turns towards the interior of the land, taking advantage of the garden. On the path side, a long concrete facade blocks the nuisances and obscures the view, protecting the house from the prevailing winds and rain coming from the west. To give it a certain delicacy, we pierced this oculus wall.


Arranged in a seemingly random manner, they come to animate the corridor inside. The house blends into the topography, so as to avoid confrontation with the agricultural buildings, on a much larger scale. The green roof was obvious, since the building blends into the ground, like "a strip of land that has risen". We thus seek to enhance the interior and exterior landscapes simultaneously and reciprocally.

Vers la sortie
Mur de l'intimité
Espaces traversés
Mur de l'intimité la nuit
Espaces ouverts vers l'extérieur
Espace de vie la nuit
Longitudinal section
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Ground floor plan
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