Maisons des deux haies
The project is located in Rosières-près-Troyes, on the outskirts of the city of Troyes. The existing typologies in the nearby context are very diverse in expression and scale. There are large and small commercial areas, craft buildings, collective social housing (up to 9 floors), individual houses, cultivated fields, etc.
The shape of the building seeks to integrate into this diversity, we were inspired by the model of the "garden cities" of the 19th century. The houses are in a row, to have the reading of a single building and thus create a feeling of cohesion, of belonging to a neighborhood, to a district. A single building but, each facade is different, so as to clearly mark the identity of each in a common whole. The roofs are double-sloped, a nod to the neighboring pavilions: we compose with the existing reality.
The public space on the entrance side is the place for exchange between neighbors, the garages are open and shared to encourage opportunities for meeting. The best exposure is on the garden side (south-east), with more generous openings. The bathrooms are all naturally lit and overlook the back garden, to preserve the privacy of users. The accommodations are through and benefit from varying ceiling heights from two and a half to five meters.
We wanted to offer "hybrid" spaces that would allow for a variety of uses. The awning open to the street can be used for parking, for riding a tricycle under cover, or for hosting a neighbors' party table... The private winter garden at the back overlooks the kitchen and can be used as a living room for eating outside in the off-season, or as a playroom for children, an attic, or even a horticultural greenhouse for growing a vegetable garden...
Rosières-près-Troyes | 492 m² | €689,965 of VAT | year of design 2018
Natalina da Costa, Frédéric Hérard, Stéphanie Matilde | Exatec | Seti | iTerra | Acr Metal | Davulian | Lambert | Santin | Olm | Charrier | Rgc | Crm Elec | Harand Paysagiste

Floor plan
Longitudinal section
Ground floor plan